Don't buy from them, they are taking your money after canceling and not returning it, trust me - you can see that happening all over their Facebook page.
Worst app and website ever. You can't do anything about your order online. You have to call the bad customer service even if you just want to add check in baggage.
Worst company ever. This app is just bad. The costumer service is horrible. Just try not to bock anything from them
Just and ad for them, nothing can be done in it.
אין אפשרות לשלם על הכבודה לא דרך האתר ולא דרך האפליקציה, כפתור "תשלום" פשוט לא מופיע
מפתחים יקרים. זהו עיצוב הUI הכי נוראי והכי לא אינטואיטיבי שנתקלתי בו בחיי
You would be better off using the website.
Worst company ever , even the application doesn't work
You won't be able to check in, or check your boarding pass, in fact nothing related to your fligth. What you will have is useless promotional material.
If you can't read Hebrew, don't bother to download